S01E01 - Rikard Ottosson


In this conversation, Dave and Rikard discuss various topics related to personal struggles, changes in the workplace, agile methodologies, servant leadership, toxic people, work-life balance, tech debt, pair programming, and the need for regulation in the software development industry.


  • The workplace has undergone significant changes, moving from command and control leadership to more agile and fluid ways of working.
  • Servant leadership is important, but many organizations claim to practice it without truly understanding or implementing it effectively.
  • Tech debt is a common challenge in software development, and it requires deliberate efforts to address and reduce it.
  • Pair programming can be a valuable practice for improving collaboration, knowledge sharing, and code quality.
  • The software development industry may benefit from some form of regulation or accreditation to ensure competency and accountability.
Sound Bites

  • "Life is what it does. You have death and loss and whatever, but you kind of have to get on with it."
  • "Everyone claims they're agile, but no one can actually tell you how they're being agile."
  • "Everyone claims they do servant leadership, but I think 80% of people are doing it wrong."

Creators and Guests

Dave Ballantyne
Dave Ballantyne
Co-Founder at Tech Led Culture, Tweets are my views, blah blah.
Duena Blomstrom
Duena Blomstrom
Author | Podcaster | Mother #HumanDebt #Agile #Technology #PsychologicalSafety #LinkedInTopVoice #QueenOfW #NeuroSpicy Co-Founder PeopleNotTech #TEARSofDOPAMINE
S01E01 - Rikard Ottosson
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